Saturday, May 17, 2014

Alchemy - The Magnificent Magical Olde Worlde Emporium in Louisville

Cover Photo 
This week I had to get a tire repair at Southern Tire Service Company (check out my review of STSC), and took a walk down the street to get some steps in and pick up lunch down the street at Jimmy Johns.  While on my little stroll. I came across an interesting shop called Alchemy that I hadn't noticed before. 

Alchemy caught my eye with it's old-time look and feel.  When I walked in, I discovered the theme of the store was whimsy and magic and knew I was in for a treat.  The shop has just been opened a couple of weeks and it's already a pretty impressive storefront.  The antique shelves, carts, and organ add to the ambiance along with details as small as the perfect sign font.

I spoke with the shop owner and he said they were going to be getting a lot of interesting new Harry Potter themed items from the UK like silk and cotton scarfs.  He also said that he had Mary Poppins carpet bags and princess items on order, which I definitely want to go back and check out.  Some of the items they had in stock were a variety of candies and candles, antique knives that had been hand-crafted into bracelets with quotes from Peter Pan and Harry Potter, books for Wizards or Pirates or Illusionists, and odds and ends. 

In talking with the owner you could tell he had a passion for the magical that will propel this shop to something very unique for the Louisville area...and yes MAGICAL.

Check it out if have someone in your life that loves any kind of magic or unique items!

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